Rick Stein's Long Weekend in Bologna

I didn't know Rick Stein before November 2015.
"Hi, I'm Elizabeth from the BBC. We are we are planning to film an episode of Rick Stein's Long Weekend in Bologna and I'm looking for a local food expert.
Can you help Rick to find the most traditional food of Bologna, its legends and the best shops and restaurants to taste it?"
I searched on Google.
Sneak behind the scenes and see what happened.

Rick Stein at Mercato Delle Erbe, one of the best food markets in Bologna
Setting the stage for Rick
After this first call, I met Arezoo and Grace, producers of the show, in the early morning of a cold Saturday in January 2016. We spent a full day together, between coffee and smiles, tagliatelle and questions.
They were looking not only for the best food of Bologna but for the right characters that could partner with Rick during the show.
Bloggers and baristas, pasta artisans and university students, chefs and grandmas: I opened my agenda and shared all my knowledge to set the table for the real filming.

With the crew and my blogger friend Enrica at the old Osteria
Rick Stein in Bologna
The filming took place on a rainy week in March 2016. It was such hard work, but the word 'BBC' opened all the secrets doors of Bologna usually locked. Restaurant kitchens, towers, pasta makers homes.
They even hired a quartet to play violin just under the window of Hotel Corona D'Oro, where the full troupe stayed.
The shooting was intense but at night we had the time with Rick and all the crew to cheer with a glass of Pignoletto wine and share suggestions not only about food.
One funny fact?
Most of the guys were unprepared for Bologna's winter weather and they ended up sick pretty soon. The bus we traveled around Bologna was delivering not only microphones and cameras but bacteria and sneezes.
Follow Rick's steps in Bologna
Would you like to follow Rick's steps in Bologna and meet some of the people at his recommended places?
Watch the full episode on BBC and book now our Rick's approved food tour in Bologna :)

Rick drinks one of the best coffee in Bologna while the crew prepares the set